Gilbert J

Hair Sculptor

Professional, classic hair sculpting having a contemporary emphasis with a style that you will identify with.

You’ll leave Gilbert’s studio with a gigantic smile that returns each time you look in a mirror.

About Us.

Gilbert’s passion is helping you determine the best style, length, color, and overall hair statement that expresses your life style…or maybe what you’d like your life style to be. He has been sculpting hair in his one-chair salon in San Francisco's Hayes Valley for over a quarter century, and has developed a loyal following of clients in all age ranges and work interests. The tech crowd gets highly designed cuts, as do CEOs, teachers, nonprofit leaders, dancers, and everyone in between. Young kids come with their parents and grandparents, who have introduced Gilbert’s hair magic to the whole family.

Gilbert’s Background.

Gilbert is a licensed cosmetologist skilled in offering new ideas for the perfect individualized look for each client. When he’s not making his patrons look fantastic, Gilbert works on oil paintings, enjoys restoring classic cars, and helping friends with design advice for their living spaces. Everything is art to Gilbert.

Our Approach.

Even before starting the cutting, coloring, and styling, Gilbert discusses the look that each individual client wants. Maybe you like repeating a Gilbert-designed hairstyle every time—or maybe you want to try something different every time: curly on one visit, straight on another; blue streaks (or not); let it stay long; cut it all off. You set your own agenda…and then the smiles begin. Call for an appointment right now.


230 Gough Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Phone Number.

Phone: (415) 861 3450


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